Poetry and the newspaper have had their antagonisms


Stories are streaming all around us, and the newspaper, as crappy and corporate as it can be, contains a lot them.

It is also a fountain of language and images.


A poet can’t afford to be proud; one arresting phrase or image is a gift from the muses, even if comes comes wrapping fish and dropped on your doorstep like a Sicilian message.

Don’t be to much of a snob to dismiss the literary gifts, and grist, delivered to your driveway or computer screen each morning.

About Drew Dellinger

Drew Dellinger, Ph.D., is an internationally known speaker, poet, writer, and teacher whose keynotes and poetry performances—which address ecology, justice, cosmology, and connectedness—have inspired minds and hearts around the world. He is also a consultant, filmmaker, and founder of Planetize the Movement.

Dellinger has presented at over 1400 events across the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. He has spoken and performed at numerous conferences—including TEDWomen, Bioneers, the Green Festival, the Dream Reborn, and the Parliament of the World’s Religions—as well as colleges and universities, poetry venues, protests, and places of worship.

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